Thursday, 11 June 2009

a montage, kyrka, dog walking, family pizza, fika and vintage shopping in Gnosjö

A catch up from yesterday:

Above: Copenhagen to Malmö via train

Above: Excess baggage charges? No..not us!

Above: Our first breakfast at Eva's!

Above: Swedish strawberries with Ida's mamma!

Above: On our way to Anderstorp!

Above: Sweet Home Anderstorp!

Kyrka, 8am this morning:

This morning we were woken up at 7am, watched a bit of Hannah Montana with Lena and then headed straight to church for her end of term ceremony! She was gutted her leather jacket didn't match her dress....

Above: Lena and her leather jacket

Above: Lena...without leather jacket.

Above: Kyrka aka Church

Dog walking with Balthazar and Simson:

Above: Ida and Balthazar

Above: Mark aka Caesar (The Dog Whisperer) and the dogs!

Family pizza:

Surely, one of THE top 3 reason for moving to Sweden is the classic FAMILY PIZZA which consists of your basic pizza base, ham, donner meat, fries and kebab sauce. :D

Above: Family Pizza! Notice the lollipop to the right for scale!


Fika is a Swedish verb that roughly means "to drink coffee", usually accompanied by something sweet on the side.' (

Again, possibly in the top 3 reasons for moving to Sweden!

Above: Raspberry cake, made to order!

Vintage/Second hand shopping in Gnosjö:

Above: One happy lady!

Above: The supportive husband!

Above: Ida checks out the bargains

The purchases:

Above: 50kr knitwear!

Above: Yacht owner's cardigan...50kr!

Above: Tartan shoulder padded number...60kr!

Above: Heaven! (for Ida!)

Above: Ida's helper aka Hans


Unknown said...

I am so glad you are both having an amazing time!! It sounds incredible so far and you have not been gone long! The photos are great so far, can't wait to see more! I loved Lena's leather jacket!

Säg hej till alla! Jag hoppas att de talar svenska till Mark! Visst kommer han att plocka upp snabbt .... mina fingrar passeras!

Hej då! Ha kul! Ser fram emot Markusplatsen djurlivet blogg!

Love you both lots and look forward to your next blog! x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Unknown said...

Sorry if the Swedish does not make sense! x